Individuals - Chandigarh

How to Improve Personal Effectiveness ?


Personal Effectiveness is nothing but self help movement to achieve success, goals and related concepts. PRISM Brain Map helps to improve personal effectiveness. This info graphics presents super easy ways to boost your personal effectiveness which will help you in achieving your personal goals. If you want to know more detail on how can we [...]

How to Prevent Your Memory Loss ?


In 21th century, humans become so much dependent on machines and instruments. Due to this dependency, we forget simple things. Usually memory loss, which was occurring at the age of 60-65, is now more likely to occur at the age of 40-45 How to prevent this? PRISM Brain Map has a solution. Read this info [...]

Challenge Your Brain & Make It Stronger


One can not have a strong memory without practice. You have to sharp your brain from time to time in order to make your memory strong. So just start taking challenges for your brain and make it stronger. This info graphics of PRSIM Brain Map explain 10 ways to challenge your brain. If you want [...]

5 Smart Ways to Become More Confident Person


Confidence determine your personality. You can achieve success easily if you are confident. Do you want to know some smart ways to become more confident person ? Brain Map can help you in this. This Info graphics explains 5 smart ways. If you want to know more detail on how can we explain the above image, [...]

4 Tips to Deal With Low Self Esteem


Are you dealing with low self esteem? PRISM Brain Map can helps you in this. This info graphics tells 4 excellent tips to deal with low self esteem. If you want to know more detail on how can we explain the above image, kindly click here or Call us at +91 9819714238 or Email

4 Hobbies That Can Make You Smarter


Do you want to become more smarter? Yes there's always a way for more. PRISM Brain Map has the solution. This Info graphics illustrates 4 hobbies which you can adapt to become more smarter. If you want to know more detail on how can we explain the above image, kindly click here or Call us [...]

4 Fundamental Emotional Intelligence Capabilities


Emotional Intelligence means to organize our thoughts and our relationships effectively. Do you know, there are 4 Fundamental Emotional Intelligence Capabilities. Do you have them? This Info graphics by PRISM Brain Map explain those capabilities. If you want to know more detail on how can we explain the above image, kindly click here or Call us [...]

4 Funny Ways To Improve Your Memory


Everyone wants to increase their memory. But did you know there are some funny ways to improve your memory. Yes, PRISM Brain Map brought these funny ways in one picture. If you want to know more detail on how can we explain the above image, kindly click here or Call us at +91 9819714238 or Email [...]