The brain plays a very important role in the way a person thinks, feels, acts and reacts. One can never separate the mental from the physical or emotional faculties. PRISM Brain Mapping brings this home to us in no uncertain terms, highly reliable and accurate [Cronbach Alpha of 0.9], PRISM Brain Mapping has helped thousands of individuals around the world to realize their full potential.
We all have preferences i.e. a certain way in which we prefer to get things done. We often believe that if only everyone behaved the same way things would be so easy, however we seldom pause to think if our preferences are appropriate for the situation. PRISM Brain Mapping makes us aware of how we can adapt best to any situation, thus enhancing personal effectiveness and enabling us to make the appropriate choice every time.

At the root of the PRISM Brain Mapping, the instrument is the basic fact that all behavior is brain-driven. Each person has his or her own way of looking at the world (perception) and responding to it (behavior). Those recurring responses – part inherited and partly learned – fall into patterns, referred to as behavior preferences. Each person exhibits his or her own personal behavior preferences to a great extent by how and what they say and do. Much like a successful company, the brain relies on the input of its various parts prior to making a decision.
Completing a PRISM Brain Mapping inventory takes only 20 minutes and can be taken from the comfort of your home or office. You get a tailormade report with insights into preferred behaviour preferences and an option to have a one to one counseling session with a Certified PRISM Brain Mapping Practitioner.
Result – Improving your personal effectiveness, and your life will take on a whole new meaning.

We’re here to help!

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