“The term “mental toughness” refers to the idea of being able to overcome past failures by remaining positive and competitive. It also involves training and preparing oneself to be mentally ready for whatever challenge we face.”

-Dr. Jonathan Fader

Mental toughness

When we think about mental toughness, the first thing that pops in our mind is a person who is emotionally strong and knows how to control his emotions. But let’s take a look at what mental toughness actually means.

Why is cultivating mental toughness important to be a successful leader?

I am sure a lot of you must have thought of this question, at least once in your entire career. You look at your leader and think, “What does he have that I don’t?” The answer is easy, he is mentally prepared to face any situation that surfaces.
Vince Lombardi believed that mental toughness was one of the most important leadership skills you could attain.

Mental toughness

If you’re a leader and want to become more effective, know this: Mental toughness is a fundamental skill set, and the magnitude of your success depends on it.

Mental toughness contributes to skill sets that a leader must have.

Creating a Winning mindset:

Although mental strength is primarily linked to the psychological concept behind peak performance (i.e. mental training for competitive edge in sports), it is really about embracing the thinking of top performers, which goes far beyond the limits of athleticism. Thinking is the primary sieve for every experience you have. Mediocre thinking promotes an equally low level of performance and results. However a winning mentality (i.e. the thinking, habits, and philosophy of elite performers) transforms the landscape. It unlocks the unlimited potential to create, influence and generate success-enabled outcomes.

“The real key to excellence in both sports and business is not the ability to swim fast or do quantitative analyses quickly in your head. Rather, it is [mindset] mental toughness.”

-Dr. Graham Jones.

Promoting stick-ability:

Leadership is not essentially focused on winning and celebrating success. Leaders know that the hard times come with the territory. Delving deeply into the trenches, grappling with hardships, and doing whatever it takes to succeed, is equal to the course. They welcome obstacles and uncertainty about their potential to make them smarter, more agile and resilient.

“The ability to thrive in adversity is grit, and it is a true predictors of success, even more than cognitive or technical skills. Touché`.”

-Angela Duckworth.

Builds courage:

Courage allows leaders to thrive in ever-changing environments. It also encourages them to take on new opportunities for learning and growth. A catalyst for healthy self-esteem, it also helps leaders manage stress, conflict and crisis effectively. Simply put, mental strength is an unmatched mechanism for growth. Just conjure it up. Grab the strength to explore uncharted territories personally and professionally.

“It would be difficult, perhaps even impossible to lead without the willingness to encounter turbulence and face the unknown.”

-Karima Marianna. Arthur.

Where can you check your mental toughness score efficiently?

There is widespread, growing interest in understanding the relationship between behavioral preferences and business success, and research has identified a cluster of nine behavioral strengths, or competencies, that are linked to both mental toughness and peak leadership performance.

The PRISM Mental Toughness Inventory measures a candidate’s preference for each of those behaviors. They include: self-belief, ambition, resilience, self-management, optimism, determination, independence, competitiveness and adaptability. The PRISM Mental Toughness Inventory is an exciting advance in the ability to measure the building blocks that are scientifically linked to business success.

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